Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Resolutions

January 1, 2012

Resolution – The act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure etc.

I am not a huge fan of New Year’s resolutions.   I have done the “I–am-going-to-lose- 20-pounds resolution,” or “I will make time for exercise” and have not been successful.   Physical health is important, but honestly, there are other things in my life that are more important to me right now.  So while I will try and make healthier choices and lose 20 pounds, my resolutions this year will be different. 

My New Year’s Resolutions

1.     To drink more coffee with friends.
2.     To savor Dark Chocolate.
3.     To tell my kids I love them and am proud of them every chance I get.
4.     To take time to smell the roses and watch the birds.
5.     To embrace my imperfections.
6.     To stop apologizing.  
7.     To focus on what I have to be thankful for.
8.     To learn something new.
9.     To let my friends know they are important.
10.  To look toward my future knowing that anything is possible.

Happy New Year, friends! 

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