Sunday, December 30, 2012

Reflecting on my kids!

--> Wow, it is almost the end of 2012! How time flies…when you are living life, because it hasn’t been a completely fun year. But it has been a special and good Christmas this year. Both kids were home and we were joined by Katheryne’s boyfriend, Paul and have enjoyed having all three here. I have become more aware, especially this year, at how my kids have become their own persons while also marveling at the similarities between them and family members. 

--> For instance, Ben is now 22 years old. For the past year or so I have told him how much he reminds me of my brother David. Although he heard what I said, I don’t think he saw that in himself – until this year. We were able to get together with my brother and his wife and daughter and my parents, so Ben was able to spend some time talking and visiting with them. This past week as we have talked and Ben has been “himself” around the house I have heard him say more than once, “Yea, I guess I am a lot like Uncle David” or “Yup, that is something Uncle David would say.” I wonder how it is that he became like my brother David rather than my brother Alan and I guess only God knows the answer to that question. But I am constantly thankful for David’s integrity and character and am thankful my son has had several examples of integrity and character in his life.  

And Katheryne…Katheryne is quiet, intelligent and witty. As Ben and I were talking about who he is like she commented that she didn’t think she was like anyone in our family. But she is like her dad. And her dad is like my dad. They all have this dry sense of humor, that is unexpected because they are so quiet, and is also very funny. Katheryne, Levi and my dad are all writers – perhaps Katheryne is the best because she has taken classes to pursue writing as more than just a hobby, but it is something they all have in common. And while they each excel in a different area, they are all extremely intelligent. When I pointed the similarities to her she quietly smiled and said, “Oh.” Again, so much like her father and grandfather. 

My kids are all grown up and making their way in the world. Becoming a little more themselves every day, and a little more like the people who have been influential in their lives. What a gift to have them home for Christmas this year and how proud I am of who they are!!

As the holidays come to a close I am reminded again of how special family is - I would not have made it through 2012 without my family. And just as I pray for myself and those special to me, I pray that 2013 holds many blessings for you and your family.

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