Monday, June 8, 2015

My "Thanksgiving" List!

It is June, Memorial Day is behind us and in Charlotte it feels like summer. This is my first North Carolina spring, which means the weather got warmer earlier than I am used to, but I am okay with this. When I moved to Charlotte, I left behind some special people. I knew it was time to start over, and I picked Charlotte, but I honestly didn’t expect to like Charlotte as much I do. Perhaps it is because this is the first time in years that I feel like I have a home, or perhaps it is because my fresh start is actually a reality.

Regardless of the reason, I have been thinking about the things I am thankful for. The longer I live the more I realize that my life is made up of beautiful, small things. And the fact that I haven’t included my parents, my brothers, my kids, and all of the other usual stuff on my thankful list doesn’t mean I am not thankful for them; it means I am looking past the big things and looking for God in the small stuff. This may seem like an odd time to post a thanksgiving list, but as many of you know, I don’t exactly adhere to the “norm,” so here is my thanksgiving list :

1.     That first sip of coffee in the morning – Life is uncertain and constantly changing, but coffee is a constant and is a reassuring start to my day.

2.     The softness of my favorite blanket – I have a favorite blanket that I love to use for naps and to curl up under when I am sitting on the couch. I bought it when I got my very first apartment on my own and it comforts me in a way I cannot explain.

3.     Being up early enough to watch the sunrise. – Watching the sky lighten and turn beautiful shades of orange and pink reminds me that God is present in this world and in my life.

4.     Text messages – Call me crazy, but I love getting text messages from people. It means they are thinking about me.

5.     Books that are like old friends – These books are the books I pull out when I want to read something but don’t want any surprises. Most of my “go to” books are fictional with great stories and an uplifting message. My two favorites are “If I Gained The World” by Linda Nichols and “The  Testament” by John Grisham.

6.     Really loud music (It would maybe more like LOUD!) Right now the song is “Brother” by NeedToBreathe.

7.     Flannel sheets (yes, it got cold enough in Charlotte to use flannel sheets.)

8.     Conversations over coffee – Maybe it is my imagination, but conversation over coffee has an intimacy to it that conversations without coffee lack.

9.     Hugs – They really do help put all the broken pieces back together.

10. Being called Sweetie, Darlin’, Honey - It’s a southern thing.

11. TV show marathons – It makes me SOOO happy to turn on USA and find out that NCIS is on all day!

12. Movie nights with friends – Movies are always better shared.

13. Cookie dough – I made cookie dough for my kids when they were growing up. It reminds me of them and things I shared with them when I make it now for myself.

14. New friends – My old friends are special and irreplaceable, but I have made some new friends that are expanding my horizons, challenging me, and making my life full and rich. I am so thankful for them!

15. Facetime with my kids – Technology is cool and I love that I can see my son or daughter and they can see me while we talk on the phone.

16. Compliments  - There is nothing like a genuine compliment to help you feel better about yourself.

This is really just the tip of the iceberg as I have many reasons to be thankful. But I think it bears saying that having an “attitude of gratitude” or being thankful is a trait that is cultivated.  You don’t just have it – you choose it. While the big things - the job, house, or spouse -  are pretty important, the quality and scope of a person’s life––my life––cannot be measured by those alone.  Life and God are found in the small things.

“Our lives are made
In these small hours
These little wonders,
These twists & turns of fate
Time falls away,
But these small hours,
These small hours still remain.”
By Rob Thomas from the movie Meet The Robinson's

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