Wednesday, March 29, 2023

A Voice

Do you know anyone that every word out of their mouth seems so rich with wisdom? I look forward to those conversations and walk away feeling enriched and encouraged. And sometimes, those conversations happen through books. Even though I don’t know the author, I am able to read their thoughts and experiences and learn from what they have shared. 

I constantly question and even hesitate to share my thoughts on different topics because with all of the amazing people out there who have so much intelligence, wisdom, and more diverse experiences, and with all that has been written and already said, what could I possibly add? I find myself wondering if I have something worth saying. 


I am working to step up my social media presence (yes, it is a strategy), so to do that I need to do more posts, which means more sharing – hence my wondering if my thoughts and writings add value to peoples lives. So, after some consideration on my part, I am going to share what my answers are to this question. 


1.     I have a voice. There are people all over the world who aren’t allowed to share their thoughts and opinions, and there have been times in my life where I was forced to be quiet. Since I am in a place where I can share what I think, it feels wrong not to. 

2.     I have a writing style. If you were to ask me to name it, I couldn’t. But it may be that my expression and phrasing and the nuances of my writing may be the exact right way to communicate something that someone else needs to hear. 

3.     Repetition  - There are lots of ways to say the same thing and sometimes people have to hear something lots of times before they get it. Some of the things we need to talk about -  well, they need to be said by everyone who is willing to say them, so that at some point, in some way,  everyone understands.

This is why. I am stepping out hesitantly – not pretending to myself or anyone else that I have startling new insights, but hoping that in what I share someone finds something that speaks to and encourages them. 


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