Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I hate being sick, it is lousy being sick, and I don’t have time to be sick. But here I am – SICK!! The only thing that makes me feel slightly better is that everyone else is sick too. Perhaps I caught it from one of the many students who are sick right now, perhaps it is because this winter has been sooo cold and we have had so much snow, or perhaps it is because my routine has been completely turned upside down this weekend by my faithful buddy, Riley.
Riley is a dog. I am his other mom; his first mom had to leave town for a few days and whenever she leaves, I take care of the puppy. It is difficult to have to take him out for his walks. I feel crappy and he is soooo happy to be outside! But he is also soooo cute. He follows me around my little apartment and makes me laugh as he destroys toilet paper rolls and boxes. When I am need of a little exercise, indoors, I get up and pick up the shredded cardboard and throw it away.

So far my days have consisted of several movies, lots of naps, several large mugs of tea and lots of water, which has eased the coughing but then there is that other thing that happens when you drink a lot. It would helpful if I could somehow move the TV into bathroom.

To make things more interesting – the apartments I live in had frozen pipes twice yesterday - never a dull moment. But even in the middle of the yucky stuff of life there are so many good things. My parents brought me medicine and crackers and another friend brought me soup and more crackers. The staff at the college where I work and where my apartment is were awesome getting the water fixed right away. And I have several people who have texted me and asked what they could do to help. I am so thankful for all the wonderful people in my life! The cool thing is that not are there so many wonderful people in my life, but sickness comes and then it goes and I am feeling much better. Life goes on…

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