Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I woke up this morning to blue skies, sunshine, and…palm trees!!  Yup, this is not the east coast!!  Family and vacation plans have brought me to California and northern California at that.  So I woke up yesterday morning in little ole Johnson City, NY and today I am in the “city by the bay.”  

Traveling is always an adventure and I usually do pretty well at travel prep.  Or at least I thought I did until I found out how my sister-in-law Kristi prepares to travel.  She brings a whole new meaning to organization!!  Anyway, I don’t know if it is because I am getting older (I am over 35…), or because of lots going on, or if it is personal stress (yes, lots of that lately!) but I have been considerably less organized than is or used to be normal for me.   I was thinking about this as I unpacked in the hotel and realized I hadn’t packed my solution for my contacts.  I remember it being on the bed (where I had all my stuff piled to pack) but somehow, it did not make it into my suitcase.  I usually comfort myself, and did today with the fact that I can find a Walgreen’s or Walmart and buy the contact solution or whatever else it is I have forgotten to pack.   This is true and huge relief!  But it also means vacation money spent on things I already have.  Granted, it all gets used, but I am sure you know the feeling! 

Anyway, the packing questions (will I need this, do I want that) and that frantic feeling that accompanies vacation prep make getting on the plane a relief.  I no longer have to think about whether I need this or that.  If I forgot it, I have to get it when we get there.  If there is a task that should have been completed before I left – oh well!  It didn’t get done and it won’t for the next week.  All that is left is to enjoy the flights (as much as possible) and anticipate arriving at your destination!  Although I intend to step up my organization game, it has occurred to me that perhaps it is a good thing that I do not travel outside the United States.    

1 comment:

  1. Organization? We don't need no stinkin' organization.


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