Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Cowboy Quiche!

I am a dessert person.  I have a serious sweet tooth!!  If there is sugar or chocolate involved I am there!!  Because of this I usually pick cookbooks with amazing cookie bars, pies or cakes and stay away from cookbooks with “real” food.  I watched the movie, “Julie and Julia” and was so impressed with “Julie” cooking her way through Julia Child’s cookbook that I went out and bought Mastering The Art of French Cooking.  After looking through the cookbook cover to cover I found one dessert recipe (a cake) that I thought sounded good.  I was completely uninspired…by Julia Child anyway! 

Recently I was in Target getting some staples for the house.  Somehow when I walk into Target I always go and wander through the movie department first, and since the book section is next to the movies I wander there next.  That day as I was looking at through the books a cookbook caught my eye.  I have a friend on Facebook who had posted several of this person’s recipes and they had sounded good, so I looked through the cookbook.  My unwritten rule is there has to be more than one recipe that is interesting in order to justify buying a cookbook.  I found more than one recipe that sounded good, so the cookbook came home with me.  Later that evening as I sat down and really LOOKED at the recipes I became excited.  At last I had found a cookbook where I wanted to try everything – wanted to go through it cover to cover.  While I have not set a deadline for making it through the cookbook (as Julie did in the movie), I have started to make my way through the recipes and the one I am sharing today is one I WILL be making again!

Cowboy Quiche

1 pie crust
8 slices of bacon, fried until chewy and chopped
2 yellow onions, sliced
2 Tbsp. butter
8 eggs
1 ½ cups heavy cream
Salt and pepper to taste
2 cups grated sharp cheddar cheese

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.  In a heavy skillet over medium-low heat, fry the onions in the butter until deep golden brown, 12-15 minutes.   Mix eggs, cream, salt and pepper in a bowl.  Add chopped bacon, onions, and cheese and stir to combine.  Pour the filling into the piecrust, cover lightly with aluminum foil, and bake for 45 minutes.   Remove the foil and bake for an additional 10 minutes, or until the quiche is set and the crust is golden brown.  Remove from the oven and allow to sit for 10 minutes.  Enjoy!!

From The Pioneer Woman Cooks by Ree Drummond
The Pioneer Woman Cooks

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