Sunday, May 14, 2023

Mother’s Day

Since it’s Mother’s Day, I am going to fore-go my usual #SimpleSunday post and share a bit of my life.  I lost my mom in June of 2019, a couple months after meeting the man I would marry. and while I miss my mom, today I am counting my blessings. I married into a wonderful family! 

I remember wondering what it would be like - blending families with adult kids. Your kids don’t stop being important to you when you remarry and I figured that would probably be the same for the person I married, so it was with a lot of apprehension that I met my husband’s kids and his granddaughter. I shouldn’t have worried - they have been wonderfully loving and accepting. 

You know who else has been accepting of my presence in the family? My husband’s ex-wife. Yup, she and I are friends and when there is a family get-together, whether my kids or her, she and I are both there. I am grateful. Here are some pictures of my amazing family. 

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